Information in English
The foundation Knerten is owned and operated by the parents that have children in the kindergarten. The kindergarten has a peaceful location, with beautiful hiking areas and a forest in close proximity. It`s located in a small village called Kroer. The kindergarten was built in January 1992 and has two age groups. The group called Sokrates, has room for 18 children from 3 - 6 years old and the other group, Lillebror, has with room for 15 children from 0 - 4 years old. The staff consists of a general manager, educational leaders, assistants, and other employees hired to work with children who have special needs.
The Law and Framework plan for the
kindergarten sets guidance for content and tasks. The core values of the
kindergarten shall be made known, practiced and manifested in every aspect of a
kindergarten`s teaching practices. Childhood has permanent value, and the
kindergarten takes comprehensive approach to the children's development. The
Kindergarten works in partnership and agreement with the home to meet the
children's needs for care, play, while promoting learning and formative
development as a basis for all-round development. Play, care, learning and
formative development shall be seen in context.
Section 1 of the Kindergarten Act states that kindergartens shall build on fundamental values in the Christian and humanist traditions such as respect for human dignity and nature, freedom of thought, compassion, forgiveness, equality and solidarity - values which exist in various religions and world views which are entrenched in human rights law. All kindergartens shall adopt the core values set out in the Kindergarten Act and in international treaties ratified by Norway such as the UN Convention of 20 November 1989 on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (ILO Convention 169).
Meeting every child's need for care, security, belongingness, respect and enabling the children to participate in and contribute to the community, are important values that shall be reflected in kindergarten. Kindergartens shall promote democracy, diversity and mutual respect, equality, sustainable development, life skills and good health.
On the account of the special rights extended to indigenous peoples, Norway has a particular responsibility for safeguarding the interests of Sami children and their parents; outlined in Article 108 of the Norwegian Constitution, Article 30 of the UNCRC and the ILO Convention. Sami children shall be supported in preserving and developing their language, their knowledge and their culture no matter where in Norway they live.
As described above, it`s important that there is a close cooperation and understanding between the kindergarten and parents. The goal for everyone who enters the kindergarten is to feel warmly welcomed, and that both children, staff and parents become well acquainted. We understand that the first period can be overwhelming for the children. Each child has therefore a primary contact, whose main responsibility is to ensure a good start in the new environment.
The days in kindergarten are based on a daily rhythm with routines for playing time and various activities. We try to arrange for relatively lengthy periods of play and activities without too many interruptions. However, it`s important that the children gain influence on every aspect of their life in kindergarten (not sure what you mean), and that they feel valued and part of the community. Making time for good conversations, sharing of thoughts, and discussing small and big questions of everyday life, is essential.
We encourage parents to contribute with their experience and knowledge. Feel free to share with us traditions and believes so we can make note and discuss integration. If you use another language at home, we would like to learn some words - to better accommodate the children. If there are any activities the parents do not want their children to attend, like visiting the church during Christmas time, please let us now. This will, however, be asked about in the beginning and during the time in kindergarten.
Based on the kindergarten location, it`s natural to seek inspiration from nature, and its changes through various seasons. Nature creates room for "magic" and "wonder", which inspires creativity and play. Our plans and activities are relevant to the different seasons. In the spring, we grow vegetables and herbs in our kitchen garden and in the autumn, we collect the years 'crop'. The summertime has various activities outside including; hiking, usage of the playground area etc. and the wintertime contains activities like skiing, skating and sled riding.
We believe that good health requires balance between physical activity and rest, - "using energy and collecting energy". Active play shall be accompanied by possibility to rest. The daily rhythm allows children to have shorter or longer periods of quiet moments during the day. We seek different approaches to moments of rest, for example children`s yoga, storytelling, quiet play, etc. Presence has a high priority, and shared dedication and joy between adults and children.
Beginning in the kindergarten:
When a child starts in kindergarten, parents usually get three days leave from work. We do, however, recommend shorter days in the beginning.
We recommend the following for the first few days:
- Day 1: Visit kindergarten together with parent for approximately 2 hours.
- Day 2: Play and eat in kindergarten. Duration approx. 3 - 4 hours. If the child feels secure, parents can either take a quick trip out of kindergarten or sit down in our staff room.
- Day 3: Play, eat, and sleep in kindergarten. Duration approx. 4-5 hours. Parents can try to leave, but not far away.
From Day 4 the child can be alone in kindergarten. This is, however, if they feel secure in the new environment. We recommend picking up the child not too late this day.
When parents have the opportunity to use a longer period of time, in situations where the child is clearly unsafe, we recommend too repeat Day 2 and 3.
It`s important with a good dialogue between home and kindergarten, and that we get necessary information about the child. Educational leaders will set up a meeting with the parents soon after starting up.
Kindergarten payments must be made before the first day of each month. If a payment is late, a late fee will apply.
The rates are NOK 2300. This includes a food payment of NOK 300.
Parents with multiple children in the kindergarten pay reduced fee, specifically 30% reduction for additional child nr. 1, full reduction from additional child nr. 2.
In cases of late pickup from kindergarten, parents receive a bill of NOK 500.
Bringing/picking up from kindergarten, - children who walk alone:
Primarily, we want parents to deliver and pick up their children. This is both in terms of security, and for the collaboration/exchange of information between the home and the kindergarten. If children are going home alone or being picked up by siblings/others, information must either be given each time, or there must be a fixed agreement signed by the parents. If the children do not arrive/or come later than 09:30am, we need to know. Children can be delivered from 07:00am. They must be picked up before 16:45pm.
We celebrate the children`s birthday by making crowns, making smoothies or fruit skewers, hanging out flag, singing and "firing rockets". The children also get a small gift from the birthday basket. If someone has a birthday during the weekend, we celebrate either before or after the weekend.
When it comes to invitations to a birthday celebration at home, we prefer that you don`t deliver these in kindergarten. It can be quite disappointing for the children that do not receive an invitation. If the whole group is invited, (or all the three years old`s, etc.) it`s okay to deliver in kindergarten.
The children need clothes suitable for the weather. The wardrobe must be cleaned every afternoon, so it`s easy to find suitable clothes when the children are going out. Wet and dirty clothes must be brought home. If you are uncertain about what your child needs, ask our staff!
Holidays/Opening Hours:
The kindergarten opens at 07:15am and closes at 16:30pm. We are closed from Desember 24. until January 2. At Easter we are open Monday and Tuesday of Easter week - Wednesday we are closed. We are also closed the three last weeks in July.
All children must have at least four weeks of vacation during a kindergarten year. Three of these weeks must be taken in the period of June 15. to August. 15. Children who quit the kindergarten must take three weeks of vacation before August 1. Our planning days make up for one week of vacation.
All the children are insured. The insurance applies within the kindergarten area, on trips within the kindergarten management, and on direct wayto and from kindergarten.
Primary, medication should be given by parents. However, if this is not possible, medication can be given by the kindergarten staff. Several forms must be filled out, and in some cases also by the child`s doctor. Medications must be given to the staff, not put in the wardrobe or in their sack.
We use the Web portal MyKid to share information between home and kindergarten. You will get more information and access before beginning in kindergarten.
The children must have packed lunch from home for breakfast each day. Lillebror eats breakfast from approximately 08:30am to 09:00am. Sokrates from 08:15 to 08:45 am, as. If the children arrive later than 08:45am, they need to have eaten at home.
The children must bring lunch from home on Tuesday and Wednesday. We serve bread or hot meals on Monday, Thursday and Friday.
The children can bring some extra food for the afternoon snack. We serve fruit.
Voluntary work:
All parents must do some voluntary work such as gardening and/or cleaning. You can also take part in planning events and/or be part of the ownership group.
The Public Health Institute has some guidelines/recommendations regarding child illness;
Basically, it is the child's condition that determines whether he/she may attend kindergarten or stay at home.
A general rule, the child should be healthy enough to participate in normal activities in kindergarten.
We prefer that the children sleep outside in strollers. However, if the temperature is lower than minus 10 degrees, they sleep inside. Every other Friday, strollers must be brought home. This is so we can clean the room where we keep the strollers.